
Student Mobility Program: PARE 2019

The PARE (Populations-Activities-Resources-Environments) program is a program organized by the Hokkaido Summer Institute, Hokkaido University and is followed by universities from Indonesia, Thailand, and Japan. This program aims to develop personality as a global leader who is active in solving problems related to population, activities, resources, and the environment (PARE) in ASEAN countries.

In Indonesia, this program was announced through the Hokkaido University (LO Hokkaido University) representative office which is currently located at IPB. The PARE program is carried out twice a year, namely during the Summer which is carried out in Japan and Spring which is carried out in countries other than Japan (Indonesia or Thailand). Summer registration is generally open in February, while spring is in October or November.

Students who wish to attend this program must go through an Administration selection process consisting of filling in the files and are required to have a certificate of English proficiency. After passing through the administration phase, participants must follow the interview selection. When I registered for interview selection, the interviewers at that time consisted of representatives from the Postgraduate School of IPB University, International Collaboration Office (ICO) of IPB University, and from LO Hokkaido University.

After passing the interview selection, all participants will get a scholarship of 70,000 Yen. The quota for each partner campus was on average 3 participants, but because one of the campuses did not send representatives, IPB got a quota of 4 people who were from FAPERTA, FATETA, FPIK and Multidisciplinary, each represented by one person, and who was the representative of FAPERTA is a graduate student in the entomology master program, Department of Plant Protection, namely Choirul Mahdianto, who follows the summer course program.

Learning, discussions in class, visits to several agencies and places related to the program, taking and testing water quality in the field, to making final presentations are valuable experiences for program participants, especially with group members from different countries becoming new challenges in adapting and contribute to the team. This program is very suitable for students who care about the environment while considering other factors that influence it.

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