Prof. Dr. Ir. Abdjad Asih Nawangsih, M.Si
Laboratorium Bakteriologi Tumbuhan
Degree | Major | University |
Bachelor | Hama dan Penyakit Tumbuhan | Institut Pertanian Bogor |
Master | Fitopatologi | Institut Pertanian Bogor |
Doctoral | Fitopatologi | Institut Pertanian Bogor |
Title | Authors | Publisher | Year |
Characterization of Bacillus sp. strains isolated from rhizosphere of soybean plants for their use as potential plant growth promoting rhizobacteria. | Aris Tri Wahyudi, Rina Puji Astuti, Asri Widyawati, ….., dan Abdjad Asih Nawangsih | Journal of Micro-biology and Anti-microbials, vol. 3, no. 2, hlm 34-40. | 2011 |
Isolasi dan seleksi bakteri endofit untuk pengendalian penyakit darah pada tanaman pisang. | Husda Marwan, Meity Suradji Sinaga, Giyanto, dan Abdjad Asih Nawangsih | Jurnal HPT Tropika, vol. 11, no. 2, hlm 113-121. | 2011 |
Selection and characterization pf endophytic bacteria as biocontrol agents of tomato bacterial wilt disease. | Abdjad Asih Nawangsih, Ika Damayanti, Suryo Wiyono, dan Juang Gema Kartika | Hayati Journal of Biosciences, vol. 18, no. 2, hlm 66-70. | 2011 |
Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae bakteri penyebab hawar daun pada padi: isolasi, karakterisasi, dan telaah mutagenesis dengan transposon. | Aris Tri Wahyudi, Siti Meliah, dan Abdjad Asih Nawangsih | Makara, Sains, vol. 15, no. 1, hlm 89-96. | 2011 |
Bioefficacy and characterization of plant growth promoting bacteria to control the bacterial wilt disease of peanut in Indonesia | Abdjad Asih Nawangsih, Rahmat Aditya, Budi Tjahjono, H. Negishi, dan Kazuo Suyama | J ISSAAS, vol. 18, no. 1, hlm 185-192. | 2012 |
Pemanfaatan mulsa jerami dan plant growth promoting rhizobacteria untuk menekan penyakit pustul bakteri pada tanaman kedelai. | Tita Widjayanti, Abdjad Asih Nawangsih, dan Kikin Hamzah Mutaqin | Jurnal Fitopatologi Indonesia, vol. 8, no. 6, hlm 161-169. | 2012 |
Isolation of fluorescent pseudo-monads, heat tolerant and chitinolytic bacteria in banana rhizosphere with antagonistic activities against Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense in vitro and molecular identification of selected isolates | Abdjad Asih Nawangsih dan Fitriani Purba | J ISSAAS, vol. 19, no. 2, hlm 30-40. | 2013 |
Screening of rhizobacteria for plant growth promotion and their tolerance to drought stress. | Rahayu Fitriani Wangsa Putrie, Aris Tri Wahyudi, Abdjad Asih Nawangsih, dan Edi Husen | Microbiology Indonesia, vol. 7, no. 3, hlm 94-104. | 2013 |
Integrated application of plant growth promoting bacteria, straw mulch and resistant cultivars to control Sclerotium blight disease (Sclerotium rolfsii) of soybean | Abdjad Asih Nawangsih dan Yana Anisa | Int Symposium on Tropical Fungi, Bogor | 2013 |
Selection and identification of beneficial bacteria from Tongkat langit banana (Musa troglodytarum L.) to control the blood disease bacteria | Yunita Latupeirissa, Abdjad Asih Nawangsih, dan Kikin Hamzah Mutaqin | J ISSAAS, vol. 20, no. 2, hlm 110-120. | 2014 |
Keefektifan bakteri endofit dan bakteri perakaran pemacu pertumbuhan tanaman dalam menekan penyakit layu bakteri pada tomat | Zhenita Vinda Tri Handini dan Abdjad Asih Nawangsih | Jurnal Fitopatologi Indonesia, vol. 10, no. 2, hlm 61-67. | 2014 |
Interaksi antara bakteri endofit dan bakteri perakaran pemacu pertumbuhan tanaman dalam menekan penyakit layu bakteri pada tomat | Abdjad Asih Nawangsih dan Fitri Fatma Wardani | Jurnal Fitopatologi Indonesia, vol. 10, no. 5, hlm 145-152. | 2014 |
Non-pathogenic phyllosphere bacteria producing bioactive compounds as biological control of Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae | Ni Putu Ratna Ayu Krishanti, Aris Tri Wahyudi, dan Abdjad Asih Nawangsih | International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences, vol. 6, no. 1, hlm (B) 801-810. | 2015 |
Pengembangan Formulasi Biopestisida Berbahan Aktif Bakteri Endofit dan PGPR untuk Mengendalikan Penyakit Layu Bakteri | Abdjad Asih Nawangsih, Eka Wijayanti, dan Juang Gema Kartika | Prosiding Seminar Nasional Perlindungan Tanaman II, Bogor, hlm 97-103 | 2014 |
Rice phyllosphere Actinomycetes as biocontrol agent of bacterial leaf blight disease on rice | Ilsan NA, Nawangsih AA, Wahyudi AT | Asian Journal of Plant Pathology 10(1-2):1-8 | 2016 |
Selection and characterization of siderophore- producing rhizobacteria and potential antagonistic activity toward Ralstonia solanacearum | Nawangsih AA, Parida I, Wiyono S, Kartika JG | Biotropia 24(2):85-93 | 2017 |
Pemanfaatan Bakteri Pseudomonas Flourescens Rh4003 dan Asam Askorbat untuk Mempertahankan Viabilitas Benih Padi Hibrida | AA Keswari Krisnandika, Eny Widajati, Abdjad Asih Nawangsih | Buletin Agrohorti | 2017 |
Selection and Characterization of Siderophore-producing Rhizobacteria and Potential Antagonistic Activity Toward Ralstonia Solanacearum | Abdjad Asih Nawangsih, Ida Parida, Suryo Wiyono, Juang Gema Kartika | BIOTROPIA-The Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Biology | 2017 |
Identifikasi patotipe Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae dari tanaman padi di Sulawesi Selatan | Asysyuura Asysyuura, Abdjad Asih Nawangsih, Kikin Hamzah Mutaqin, Sudir Sudir | Jurnal Fitopatologi Indonesia | 2017 |
Isolation of actinomycetes from maize rhizosphere from Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara Province, and evaluation of their antibacterial, antifungal, and extracellular enzyme activity | Umi Fatmawati, Yulin Lestari, Anja Meryandini, Abdjad Asih Nawangsih, Aris Tri Wahyudi | Indonesian Journal of Biotechnology | 2018 |
Bakteri Endofit asal Tanaman Tembakau sebagai Agens Pengendali Meloidogyne spp | Abdul Munif, Abdjad Asih Nawangsih | Jurnal Fitopatologi Indonesia | 2018 |
In vitro test of liquid smoke against Ralstonia syzygii subsp. celebesensis, the cause of blood disease in bananas. | Aisyah Imas, MS Sinaga, AA Nawangsih, Pari Gustan | Jurnal Fitopatologi Indonesia (JFI) | 2018 |
Utilization of Liquid Smoke to Suppress Blood Diseases on Bananas and Its Effects on the Plant Growth | Imas Aisyah, Meity Suradji Sinaga, Abdjad Asih Nawangsih, Giyanto Giyanto, Gustan Pari | AGRIVITA, Journal of Agricultural Science | 2018 |
TRFLP analysis for revealing the diversity of rice phyllosphere bacteria | SRI MARTINA WIRASWATI, ARIS TRI WAHYUDI, IMAN RUSMANA, ABDJAD ASIH NAWANGSIH | Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity | 2018 |
Uji In Vitro Asap Cair terhadap Ralstonia syzygii subsp. celebesensis Penyebab Penyakit Darah pada Pisang | Aisyah Imas, Giyanto Giyanto, Meity Suradji Sinaga, Abdjad Asih Nawangsih, Gustan Pari | Jurnal Fitopatologi Indonesia | 2018 |
Antifungal activities of bacteria producing bioactive compounds isolated from rice phyllosphere against Pyricularia oryzae | MN Wiraswati, Iman Rusmana, Abdjad Asih Nawangsih, Aris Tri Wahyudi | Journal of Plant Protection Research | 2019 |
Streptomyces spp. from rhizosphere soil of maize with potential as plant growth promoter | Aris Tri Wahyudi, JEPRI AGUNG Priyanto, HANIFA NUR Fijrina, HIMA DEWI Mariastuti, ABDJAD ASIH Nawangsih | Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity | 2019 |
Screening and characterization of actinomycetes isolated from soybean rhizosphere for promoting plant growth | UMI FATMAWATI, ANJA MERYANDINI, ABDJAD ASIH NAWANGSIH, Aris Tri Wahyudi | Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity | 2019 |
Damping-off disease reduction using actinomycetes that produce antifungal compounds with beneficial traits | Umi Fatmawati, Anja Meryandini, Abdjad Asih Nawangsih, Aris Tri Wahyudi | Journal of Plant Protection Research | 2020 |
The endophytic bacteria of oil palm and areca nut are beneficial as antagonist of Ganoderma boninense and potential as plant growth promoter | SA Anggita, A Munif, AA Nawangsih, R Tryono | IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science | 2020 |
Rice phyllosphere bacteria producing antifungal compounds as biological control agents of blast disease | SRI MARTINA WIRASWATI, ABDJAD ASIH NAWANGSIH, IMAN RUSMANA, Aris Tri Wahyudi | Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity | 2020 |
Rhizosphere Streptomyces formulas as the biological control agent of phytopathogenic fungi Fusarium oxysporum and plant growth promoter of soybean | MAYA SARI, ABDJAD ASIH NAWANGSIH, Aris Tri Wahyudi | Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity | 2021 |