
Congratulations on competing for the PTN Contingent at PIMNAS XXXIV 2021

The National Student Scientific Week (PIMNAS) is the peak activity of the national meeting of students' creativity and scientific reasoning that is scheduled academically by universities in improving the culture of academic competition and performance among students organized by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology - Republic of Indonesia In PIMNAS itself, the competition is the Student Creativity Program (PKM). The Student Creativity Program (PKM) itself is a forum formed by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology - Republic of Indonesia in facilitating the potential of Indonesian students to study, develop, and apply the science and technology they have learned in lectures to the wider community. This program is the successor of the Student Alternative Work Program which was formed in 1997, which was later changed to the Student Creativity Program in 2001 in order to broaden the scope and reduce the limits for students to be creative. Initially, PKM had five sub-programs, namely PKM-Research (PKMP), PKM-Applying Technology (PKM-T), PKM-Entrepreneurship (PKM-K), PKM-Community Service (PKM-M) and PKM-Writing. Scientific Articles (PKM-I). Finalists from each PKM will be contested in the National Scientific Week.

This year the 34th PIMNAS will be held at the University of North Sumatra (USU) in October 2021 for five days, in the event which is held once a year, the contingent of the Plant Protection Department is represented by two teams that will compete, namely team one consisting of from Widy Naftani and Elyza Salsabila Zahra who brought PKM entitled "Creative and fun gardening with Hydrogel media and liquid fertilizer as a solution to stress and boredom in children" The second team was a team consisting of Pahmi Idris and Fachrunissa Rafika Putri who brought PKM entitled "Concept Futuristic housing integrated with IoT as an effort to handle the epicenter of the pandemic” these two PKM teams were guided by Mr. Bonjok Istiaji, SP, M.Si.

Congratulations to both teams for competing and competing, good luck making the Department of Plant Protection and IPB University proud!!

#DokterTanamanIPB #PIMNAS #PKM PTNkeren #IPBuniversity