
PTN IPB University held a Joint Guest Lecture with the Faculty of Economics and Business UI

Friday 5 November 2021, the Department of Plant Protection (PTN) Faculty of Agriculture - IPB University held a WEBINAR Joint Guest Lecture with the Faculty of Economics and Business - University of Indonesia with the title “Challenges in Implementing Sustainable Development Policies in Indonesia: Lessons from The Integrated Pests Management Program in 1980s and 1990s” by presenting Prof. Budy Resosudarmo from the Department of Economics - Australian National University. This webinar event was held using Zoom Conferences and was attended by students from both universities, besides that this event was also open to the public.

In this Joint Guest Lecture, Prof. Budy explained the importance of Sustainable Development for a country by taking lessons from a government program in the 1980s where Indonesia implemented the Integrated Pest Control Program (IPM) which had a major impact on Sustainable Development in Indonesia. The full version of the material presented by Prof. Budy can be downloaded at the following link: download here.

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