
PTN Organizes Thematic Training for Undergraduate Students Who Will Face offline Lectures in 2022

The thematic training entitled Plant Protection Basic Skills Technical Training for Undergraduate Plant Protection Students Semester IV, VI and VIII was the first face-to-face training agenda after almost two years of a pandemic carried out by the Department of Plant Protection (PTN), Faculty of Agriculture - IPB University. 10 to 17 January 2022, located in the educational laboratory of PTN, Dramaga. The participants of this thematic training are Plant Protection undergraduate students in semester IV, VI, and VIII who have never done a direct practicum in the laboratory, with the aim that students will not feel awkward dealing with tools and practicum materials when face-to-face lectures will be held later. The following is a documentation of the thematic training event which was very enthusiastically welcomed by students and PTN lecturers


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