Prof. Dr. Ir. Damayanti Buchori, M.Sc


Prof. Dr. Ir. Damayanti Buchori, M.Sc

Over 27 years of research experiences in insect ecology and conservation particularly as it relates to landscape ecology, biodiversity, ecosystem services and land use. The span of the research includes applied agricultural research of biological control and insect pest management, insect diversity in small islands and land use change, pollination ecology and insect ecosystem services. In the last 17 years the focus of research has expanded to interdisciplinary research on sustainable landscape, which encompass social ecological research of transformation habitat, and agriculture-forestry interphase, i.e. the stability of forest margins and the effect of transformation habitat on biodiversity and ecosystem function. In the past 10 years, her research has also included research on science policy interphase, particularly as it relates to pollination, food security and sustainability. Transdisciplinary research on sustainable landscape has become the focus of the past 5 years work, which includes works covering sustainable landscape, agriculture-conservation interphase including responsible sourcing for oil palm and rubber, and best management practices of small scale oil palm and rubber farmers.


Laboratorium Pengendalian Hayati


BachelorHama dan Penyakit TumbuhanInstitut Pertanian Bogor
MasterEntomologiUniv. of Illiois
DoctoralEvolutionary EcologyIndiana University at Bloomington.


Polydnavirus Symbiont Detected from Calyx TissuesWasps of Three Lepidopteran Cabbage PestsESRI RATNA, D BUCHORI, T SANTOSOMicrobiology Indonesia 5 (3), 3-32011
Pengaruh habitat sekitar lahan persawahan dan umur tanaman padi terhadap keanekaragaman Hymenoptera parasitikaN Herlina, A Rizali, M Moerfiah, B Sahari, D BuchoriJurnal Entomologi Indonesia 8 (1), 17-172011
How island size and isolation affect bee and wasp ensembles on small tropical islands: a case study from Kepulauan Seribu, IndonesiaA Spengler, P Hartmann, D Buchori, CH SchulzeJournal of Biogeography 38 (2), 247-2582011
Why don't we ask? A complementary method for assessing the status of great apesE Meijaard, K Mengersen, D Buchori, A Nurcahyo, M Ancrenaz, S Wich, ...PloS one 6 (3), e180082011
Cost effectiveness of plant and animal biodiversity indicators in tropical forest and agroforest habitatsM Kessler, S Abrahamczyk, M Bos, D Buchori, DD Putra...Journal of Applied Ecology 48 (2), 330-3392011
Combining high biodiversity with high yields in tropical agroforestsYann Clough, Jan Barkmann, Jana Juhrbandt, Michael Kessler, Thomas Cherico Wanger, Alam Anshary, Damayanti Buchori, Daniele Cicuzza,Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108 (20), 8311-83162011
Multifunctional shade tree management in tropical agroforestry landscapes–a reviewT Tscharntke, Y Clough, SA Bhagwat, D Buchori, H Faust, D Hertel, ...Jurnal Natur Indonesia 13 (3), 250-2552011
Spider web guilds in cacao agroforestry comparing tree, plot and landscape scale managementK Stenchly, Y Clough, D Buchori, T TscharntkeDiversity and Distributions 17 (4), 748-7562011
Keragaman Genetik, Kebugaran Dan Inkompatibilitas Reproduksi Hemiptarsenus Varicornis Girault (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae), Parasitoid Larva Liriomyza HuidobrensisDamayanti Buchori, Dwinardi ApriantoJurnal Hama dan Penyakit Tumbuhan Tropika 11 (1), 1-102011
Pengaruh Suhu terhadap Perkembangan Pradewasa Parasitoid Eriborus argenteopilosus Cameron (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae)N Nelly, T Habazar, R Syahni, D BuchoriJurnal Natur Indonesia 13 (3), 250-2552011
Quantifying killing of orangutans and human orangutan conflict in Kalimantan, IndonesiaE Meijaard, D Buchori, Y Hadiprakarsa, SS Utami-Atmoko, A Nurcahyo,PloS one 6 (11), e274912011
Correction: Quantifying Killing of Orangutans and Human Orangutan Conflict in Kalimantan, IndonesiaE Meijaard, D Buchori, Y Hadiprakarsa, SS Utami-Atmoko, A Nurcahyo, ...Plos one 7 (3)2012
The effects of Deltamethrin applied at sublethal concentrations on the adults of Anagrus nilaparvatae (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae)A Meilin, YA Trisyono, E Martono, D BuchoriARPN Journal of Agricultural and Biological Science 7, 1032-10372012
Pengaruh lama ketiadaan inang terhadap kapasitas reproduksi parasitoid Snellenius manilae Ashmead (Hymenoptera: Braconidae)ME Akbar, D BuchoriJurnal Entomologi Indonesia 9 (1), 14-142012
Teknik perbanyakan massal parasitoid Anagrus nilaparvatae (Pang et Wang)(Hymenoptera: Mymaridae) dengan kotak plastikA Meilin, YA Trisyono, E Martono, D BuchoriJurnal Entomologi Indonesia 9 (1), 7-72012
Keanekaragaman Hymenoptera Parasitoid Pada Sturuktur Lanskap Pertanian Berbeda Di Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS) Cianjur, Jawa BaratLB Prasetyo, SM Yaherwandi, D Buchori, P HidayatJurnal Hama dan Penyakit Tumbuhan Tropika 7 (1), 800302012
Can joint carbon and biodiversity management in tropical agroforestry landscapes be optimized?Michael Kessler, Dietrich Hertel, Hermann F Jungkunst, Jürgen Kluge, Stefan Abrahamczyk, Merijn Bos, Damayanti Buchori, Gerhard Gerold,Public Library of Science 7 (10), e471922012
Dinamika Populasi Kompleks Parasitoid Telur Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner) Pada Ekosistem Kapas Monokultur dan Kapas Tumpangsari dengan JagungD BUCHORI, B SAHARI, DA SUNARTOJurnal Pengendalian Hayati 1 (2), 78-822012
Keanekaragaman dan persebaran lalat buah Tribe Dacini (Diptera: Tephritidae) di Kabupaten Bogor dan sekitarnyaAnik Larasati, Purnama Hidayat, dan Damayanti BuchoriJurnal Entomologi Indonesia2013
Dissimilarity of ant communities increases with precipitation, but not reduced land-use intensity, in Indonesian cacao agroforestry.Akhmad Rizali, Yann Clough, Damayanti Buchori, dan Teja TscharntkeDiversity2013
Longterm change of ant community structure in cacao agroforestry landscapes in Indonesia.Akhmad Rizali, Yann Clough, Damayanti Buchori, Meldi L.A. Hosang, et al.Insect Conservation and Diversity2013
Ant diversity and its role in different land use in JambiWinda Alamsari, Ratna Rubiana, Lisa Denmead, Damayanti Buchori, A. Rizali, Pudjianto, Dadan Hindayana et al.9 th ANeT International conference, Sabah, Malaysia2013
Effect of habitat transformation on shaping ant community structure in Jambi.Ratna Rubiana, A. Rizali, L. Denmead, Pudjianto, ....., dan Damayanti BuchoriThe 9th ANeT Int Conf 2013, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia.2013
The Asia Regional Rice Initiative - Biodiversity, Landscapes & Ecosystem Services in Rice Production Systems: The Multiple Goods and Services of Asian Rice Production Systems.Kelly Garbach, Tu Anh Vu Thanh, Damayanti Buchori, Roel Ravanera, Chanthakhone Boualaphanh, et al.Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Roma, 35 pp.2014
Pengendalian hayati dan konservasi serangga untuk pembangunan Indonesia HijauDamayanti BuchoriIPB Press. Bogor. 83 pp.2014
Keanekaragaman dan persebaran lalat buah Tribe Dacini (Diptera: Tephritidae) di Kabupaten Bogor dan sekitarnyaAnik Larasati, Purnama Hidayat, dan Damayanti BuchoriJurnal Entomologi Indonesia, 10, 2(51-59)2014
Keanekaragaman Arthropoda Tanah pada Pertanaman Kedelai Di Ngale, Kabupaten Ngawi, Jawa TimurLutfi Afifah, Purnama Hidayat, dan Damayanti BuchoriProsiding Seminar Nasional Perlindungan Tanaman II, Bogor, hlm 265-2722014
Agricultural land use alters species composition but not species richness of ant communities.Ratna Rubiana, Akhmad Rizali, Lisa H. Denmead, Winda Alamsari, Purnama Hidayat, Pudjianto, Dadan Hindayana, Yann Clough, Teja Tsharntke, and Damayanti Buchori.Asian Myrmecology , 7, (1)-132015
Perkembangan dan kandungan nutrisi larva Hermetia illucens (Linnaeus)(Diptera: Stratiomyidae) pada bungkil Kelapa SawitRachmawati Rachmawati, Damayanti Buchori, Purnama Hidayat, Saurin Hem, Melta R FahmiJurnal Entomologi Indonesia, 7, (1)- 28-412015
Teknik perbanyakan massal parasitoid Anagrus nilaparvatae (Pang et Wang)(Hymenoptera: Mymaridae) dengan kotak plastikA Meilin, YA Trisyono, E Martono, Damayanti BuchoriJurnal Entomologi Indonesia, 9, (1)-7-132015
Pengaruh Habitat Sekitar Lahan Persawahan dan Umur Tanaman Padi terhadap Keanekaragaman Hymenoptera ParasitikaNina Herlina, Akhmad Rizali, Moerfiah Moerfiah, Bandung Sahari, Damayanti BuchoriJurnal Entomologi Indonesia, 8, (1)-17-262015
Pengaruh Perbedaan Pengelolaan Agroekosistem Tanaman Terhadap Struktur Komunitas Serangga Pada Pertanaman Kedelai Di Ngale, Kabupaten Ngawi, Jawa TimurLutfi Afifah, Purnama Hidayat, Damayanti Buchori, BT RahardjoJurnal HPT Tropika, 15, (1)-2015
Pengaruh cendawan endofit terhadap biologi dan statistik demografi wereng batang cokelat Nilaparvata lugens Stál (Hemiptera: Delphacidae)Amanda Mawan, Damayanti Buchori, Hermanu TriwidodoJurnal Entomologi Indonesia, 12, (1)-11-192015
Land-use choices follow profitability at the expense of ecological functions in Indonesian smallholder landscapesClough Y, Krishna VV, Corre MD, Darras K, Denmead LH, Meijide A, Moser S, Musshoff O, Steinebach S, Veldkamp E, Allen K, Barnes AD, Breidenbach N, Brose U, Buchori D, …Nature Communications 7:13137.2016
Ecological and socio economic functions across tropical land use systems after rainforest conversionDrescher J, Rembold K, Allen K, Beckschäfer P, Buchori D, et alPhilosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 371:201502752016
Mutually beneficial pollinator diversity and crop yield outcomes in small and large farmsGaribaldi LA, Carvalheiro LG, Vaissière B, Gemmill-Herren B, Hipolito J, Freitas BM, Ngo HT, Azzu N, Saez A, Astrom J, An J, Blochtein B, Buchori D, …Science 351(6271):388-3912016
Perspectives on the global disparity in ecological science.Livingston G, Waring B,. Pacheco LF, Buchori D. Jiang Y, Gilbert L, Jha SBioScience 66(2):147-1552016
Experimental biodiversity enrichment in oil-palm-dominated landscapes in Indonesia.Teuscher M, Gérard A, Brose U, Buchori D, Clough Y, Ehbrecht M, Hölscher D, Irawan B, Sundawati L, Wollni M, Kreft HFrontiers in Plant Science 7:1538. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2016.015382016
Tipe peneluran, pengaruh lama ketiadaan inang, dan pakan terhadap keragaan reproduksi parasitoid Anagrus nilaparvatae Pang et Wang (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae)Abdilah NA, Atmowidi T, Buchori D.Jurnal Entomologi Indonesia 13(3):127-1372016
Agresi intraspesifik dan waktu penemuan makanan pada semut invasif Anoplolepis gracilipes di Kebun Raya BogorApriyadi R, Harahap IS, Rizali A, Buchori DJurnal Entomologi Indonesia 13(2):89-982016
Pengaruh suhu dan kerapatan inang terhadap superparasistisme oleh Eriborus argenteopilosus: implikasi bagi pengendalian hayatiNelly N, Buchori DJurnal Hama dan Penyakit Tumbuhan Tropika 16(1):90-972016
Komunitas Lepidoptera dan parasitoidnya pada pertanaman mentimun di Bogor, Sukabumi dan Cianjur, Jawa BaratUlina ES, Rizali A, Pudjianto, Manuwoto S, Buchori D.Jurnal Hama dan Penyakit Tumbuhan Tropika 16(2):184-1952016
Kunci identifikasi lalat buah (Diptera: Tephritidae) di Kabupaten Bogor dan sekitarnyaA Larasati, P Hidayat, D BuchoriJurnal Entomologi Indonesia 13 (1), 49–61-49–612016
KEMAPANAN PARASITOID Telenomus remus (HYMENOPTERA: SCELIONIDAE) PADA AGROEKOSISTEM SEDERHANA DAN KOMPLEKSAW Anggara, D Buchori, P PudjiantoJurnal Hama dan Penyakit Tumbuhan 3 (3), pp. 111-1252016
Does landscape simplification shape community structure, trophic interaction, and traits of parasitoids in a tropical agricultural area?D Buchori, E Ulina, P Pudjianto, S Manuwoto, A Rizali2016 International Congress of Entomology2016
CHALLENGES TO BUILDING AND SUSTAINING LOCAL NONGOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONSMC Pearl, S Padua, D BuchoriTropical Conservation: Perspectives on Local and Global Priorities, 460, Oxford University Press2016
INSECT POLLINATORS IN DECLINED Buchori, S Puspitasari, B Sahari, A RizaliTropical Conservation: Perspectives on Local and Global Priorities, 290, Oxford University Press2016
Conservation as the new paradigm for developmentLuis F Pacheco, Mariana Altrichter, Harald Beck, Damayanti Buchori, Erasmus H Owusu, AA Aguirre, R SukumarTropical conservation: Perspectives on local and global priorities, 390-402, Oxford University Press2016
Case Study 16 Ecological Services Enhancing Agricultural Landscapes in IndonesiaBandung Sahari, Akhmad Rizali, Damayanti BuchoriTropical conservation: Perspectives on local and global priorities, 385, Oxford University Press2016
Pengaruh insektisida deltametrin terhadap perilaku orientasi parasitoid Anagrus nilaparvatae (Pang et Wang)(Hymenoptera: Mymaridae)A Meilin, YA Trisyono, E Martono, D BuchoriJurnal Entomologi Indonesia 12 (3), 129-1382016
Biocultural diversity, pollinators and their socio-cultural valuesSJ BRESLOW, D BUCHORI, B HOWLETT, G LE BUHN, MM MAUES, JJ QUEZADA-EUAN, S SAEEDEmbrapa Amazônia Oriental-Capítulo em livro científico (ALICE)2016
Pengendalian hayati dan konservasi serangga untuk pembangunan Indonesia hijauD BuchoriJurnal Peningkatan Produksi, manfaat Sustainability Biodiversitas Tanaman Indonesia Volume II, Hal. 3, PT Penerbit IPB Press2016
Interaksi Tri Tropik dan Keanekaragaman Parasitoid pada Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit di JambiMI Tawakkal, D Buchori, D HindayanaPROSIDING SEMINAR NASIONAL PERKEBUNAN “Perlindungan Tanaman Perkebunan untuk Kesejahteraan Rakyat dan Bangsa” 2016 -2016
Local and landscape drivers of arthropod diversity and decomposition processes in oil palm leaf axilsGanser D, Denmead LH, Clough Y, Buchori D, Tscharntke TAgricultural and Forest Entomology 19(1): 60–692017
Separating effects of species identity and species richness on predation, pathogen dissemination and resistance to invasive species in tropical ant communitiesRizali A, Tscharntke T, Buchori D, Clough YAgricultural and Forest Entomology DOI: 10.1111/afe.122362017
Biology and fitness characteristics of Apanteles taragamae Viereck (Hymenoptera: Braconidae)Nurkomar I, Novianti N, Pudjianto,,Manuwoto S., Buchori DJournal of Entomology 14(3):128-1352017
Insect pollinators in decline: conservation challenges in the tropics. In: Aguirre AA, Sukumar R, eds. Tropical Conservation: Perspectives on Local and Global Priorities.Buchori D, Puspitasari S, Sahari B, Rizali ANew York: Oxford University Press. pp. 290-3002017
Ecological services enhancing agricultural landscapes in Indonesia. In: Aguirre AA, Sukumar R, eds. Tropical Conservation: Perspectives on Local and Global Priorities.Sahari B, Rizali A, Buchori DNew York: Oxford University Press. pp. 385-3892017
Conservation as the new paradigm for development. In: Aguirre AA, Sukumar R, eds. Tropical Conservation: Perspectives on Local and Global Priorities.Pacheco LF, Altrichter M, Beck H, Buchori D, Owusu EHNew York: Oxford University Press. pp. 390-4032017
Innovations in capacity building in conservation and sustainability: linking theory and practice and creating innovative approaches to education. In: Aguirre AA, Sukumar R, eds. Tropical Conservation: Perspectives on Local and Global PrioritiesPearl MS, Padua S, Buchori DNew York: Oxford University Press. pp. 405-416.2017
Challenges to building and sustaining local nongovernmental organizations. In: Aguirre AA, Sukumar R, eds. Tropical Conservation: Perspectives on Local and Global Priorities.Pearl MS, Padua S, Buchori DNew York: Oxford University Press. pp. 460-4672017
Innate olfactory responses of female and male parasitoid Apanteles taragamae Viereck (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) toward host plant infested by the cucumber moth Diaphania indica Saunders (Lepidoptera: Crambidae)Ihsan Nurkomar, Damayanti Buchori, DeMar Taylor & Yooichi KainohBiocontrol Science and Technology, Volume 27, 2017 - Issue 122017
Keanekaragaman dan peran fungsional serangga Ordo Coleoptera di area reklamasi pascatambang batubara di Berau, Kalimantan TimurGilang Aditya Rahayu, Damayanti Buchori, Dadan Hindayana, Akhmad RizaliJurnal Entomologi Indonesia, Vol 14, No 2 (2017)2017
Separating effects of species identity and species richness on predation, pathogen dissemination and resistance to invasive species in tropical ant communitiesAkhmad Rizali, Teja Tscharntke, Damayanti Buchori, Yann CloughAgricultural and Forest Entomology.2017
(E,E) a Farnesene as a host induced plant volatile that attracts Apanteles taragamae (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) to host infested cucumber plantsIhsan Nurkomar, Pudjianto, Syafrida Manuwoto, Damayanti Buchori, Shigeru Matsuyama, DeMar Taylor & Yooichi KainohBiocontrol Science and Technology, Volume 28, 2018 - Issue 12017
Biology and Fitness Characteristics of Apanteles taragamae Viereck (Hymenoptera: Braconidae)Ihsan Nurkomar, Nurul Novianti, Pudjianto , Syafrida Manuwoto and Damayanti BuchoriJurnal Entomologi Indonesia Vol 14, No 32017
(E, E) a Farnesene as a host induced plant volatile that attracts Apanteles taragamae (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) to host-infested cucumber plantsDamayanti BuchoriJournal of Entomology, 14(3): 128-1352017
The role of coprophagous beetles on dung decomposition and enhancement of soil fertility: Effect of body size, species diversity and biomassDamayanti BuchoriAGRIVITA, Journal of Agricultural Science, 40(1): 107-1172017
Impact of invasive ant species in shaping ant community structure on small islands in IndonesiaDamayanti BuchoriJurnal Biologi Indonesia, 7(2): 221-2302017
Insect diversity in post mining areas: investigating their potential role as bioindicator of reclamation successBuchori D,,Rizali A, Rahayu GA, Mansur IBiodiversitas 19(5):1696-1702.2018
(E,E) a farnesene as a host induced plant volatile that attracts Apanteles taragamae (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) to host infested cucumber plantsNurkomar I, Pudjianto, Manuwoto S, Buchori D, Matsuyama S, Taylor D, Kainoh YBiocontrol Science and Technology 28(1):34-48.2018
Separating effects of species identity and species richness on predation, pathogen dissemination and resistance to invasive species in tropical ant communitiesRizali A, Tscharntke T, Buchori D, Clough YAgricultural and Forest Entomology 20(1):122-130.2018
Does landscape complexity and semi natural habitat structure affect diversity of flower-visiting insects in cucumber fields?Rizali A, Buchori D, Susilawati, Pudjianto, Clough YAgrivita 40(1):107-117.2018
Keberhasilan hidup parasitoid Diadegma semiclausum Hellen dan serangga inangnya Plutella xylostella (L.) terhadap aplikasi ekstrak biji srikaya (Annona squamosa L.).Istiaji B, Prijono D, Buchori D.Jurnal Entomologi Indonesia 15(1):10-22.2018
Pengaruh ketiadaan inang terhadap biologi Reproduksi dan perilaku parasitoid Apanteles taragamae Viereck (Hymenoptera: Braconidae).Siddikah F, Nurkomar I, Buchori D.Jurnal Perlindungan Tanaman Indonesia 22(1):108-114.2018
Pengaruh residu insektisida deltametrin pada tanaman padi terhadap tingkat parasitasi parasitoid Anagrus nilaparvatae (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae).Meilin A, Trisyono YA, Martono E, Buchori DJurnal Penelitian Pertanian Tanaman Pangan 2(1):9-15.2018
Critical factors limiting pollination success in oil palm: A systematic reviewKevin Li, Teja Tscharntke, Barbara Saintes, Damayanti Buchori, Ingo GrassJ Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 280: 152-1602019
Does composition of tropical agricultural landscape affect parasitoid diversity and their host parasitoid interactions?Evawaty S Ulina, Akhmad Rizali, Sjafrida Manuwoto, Damayanti BuchoriJ Agricultural and Forest Entomology 21(3): 318-3252019
Diversity of butterflies (Lepidoptera) caught by using fruit traps in Bukit duabelas and Harapan Forest landscape, JambiRawati Panjaitan, Purnama Hidayat, Damayanti Buchori, Djunijanti Peggie, Idham Sakti Harahap, Jochen Drescher, Stefan ScheuAIP Conference Proceedings 2120(1): 070152019
Top 100 research questions for biodiversity conservation in Southeast AsiaJL Coleman, John S Ascher, D Bickford, Damayanti Buchori, Annadel Cabanban...J. Biology Conservation 234: 211-2202019
A new trophic interaction between invasive weed, its biological control agent, and local insects: A case study of Chromolaena odorataAKHMAD RIZALI, MOCHAMMAD SYAMSUL HADI, PUDJIANTO, DAMAYANTI BUCHORIBiodiversitas 20(4): 1006-10112019
Natural habitat fragments obscured the distance effect on maintaining the diversity of insect pollinators and crop productivity in tropical agricultural landscapesDamayanti Buchori, Akhmad Rizali, Anik Larasati, Purnama Hidayat, Hien Ngo, Barbara Gemmil-HerrenJ Heliyon 5(3): 014252019
Pattern of Lepidopteran pest community attacking oil palms and their associated hymenopteran parasitoidB Sahari, D Buchori, S Manuwoto, A NurmansyahIOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 325(1): 0120102019
Reducing fertilizer and avoiding herbicides in oil palm plantations ecological and economic valuationsKevin FA Darras, Marife D Corre, Greta Formaglio, Aiyen Tjoa, Anton Potapov, Fabian Brambach, Kibrom T Sibhatu, Ingo Grass, Andres Angulo Rubiano, Damayanti Buchori, et alFrontiers in Forests and Global Change 2: 652019
Residual Effect of Deltamethrin Insecticide at Rice Plants Against the Parasitism Level of Anagrus Nilaparvatae Parasitoids (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae)Araz Meilin, Andi Trisyono, Damayanti BuchoriJ Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Tanaman Pangan2019
Pengaruh tipe penggunaan lahan dalam membentuk komunitas semut dan layanan ekosistem yang diberikanMuhammad Badrus Sholih, Damayanti Buchori, Idham Sakti Harahap, Akhmad RizaliJ Entomologi Indonesia 16(2): 83-902019
Genetic diversity of Elaeidobius kamerunicus Faust.(Coleoptera: Curculionidae) across geographic areas in Indonesia: implications for oil palm sustainabilityRDJ Bakara, D Buchori, RYM Kusumah, B Sahari, A ApriyantoIOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 325(1): 0120032019
Managing sustainable agroecosystem: Study on diversity of parasitic Hymenoptera on riparian sites of oil palm and rubber plantationA Azhar, A Rizali, D BuchoriIOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 325(1): 0120022019
Landscape structure and parasitoid diversity as measures of sustainable landscapeT Syahidah, LB Prasetyo, D BuchoriIOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 325(1): 0120122019
Habitat transformation and sustainable landscape: a preliminary study of the diversity of cross habitat pollinatorsA Jihadi, A Rizali, T Atmowidi, D BuchoriIOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 325(1): 0120062019
Pattern of Hymenopteran Parasitoid Community in Oil Palm Plantations: Effects of Age Gradient or Sampling Methods?Bandung Sahari, Ali Nurmansyah, Syafrida Manuwoto, Damayanti BuchoriProceedings of the International Conference and the 10th Congress of the Entomological Society of Indonesia (ICCESI 2019)2020
International scientists formulate a roadmap for insect conservation and recoveryJeffrey A Harvey, Robin Heinen, Inge Armbrecht, Yves Basset, Damayanti Buchori, et al.Nature Ecology & Evolution2020
Population Growth and Insecticide Residues of Honey Bees in Tropical Agricultural LandscapesDamayanti Buchori, Akhmad Rizali, Windra Priawandiputra, Dewi Sartiami, Midzon JohannisDiversity2020
How will oil palm expansion affect to butterflies diversity in Jambi, Indonesia?R Panjaitan, D Buchori, D Peggie, IS Harahap, J Drescher, S Scheu, P HidayatIOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science2020
Distance of agricultural land from natural habitat affects the functional trait diversity and species diversity but not abundance of Hymenoptera parasitesES Ulina, A Rizali, S Manuwoto, Pudjiato, D BuchoriIOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science2020
Effect of cattle integration on the diversity of predatory Reduviidae in oil palm plantation, Central Kalimantan, IndonesiaH Nazilah, B Sahari, R Prabowo, D BuchoriIOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science2020
Diversity and species composition of click beetles (Coleoptera: Elateridae) at different land-use types in Harapan Rainforest landscape, Jambi, IndonesiaR Nazarreta, P Hidayat, D BuchoriIOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science2020
Trade-offs between multifunctionality and profit in tropical smallholder landscapesIngo Grass, Christoph Kubitza, Vijesh V Krishna, Marife D Corre, Damayanti Buchori, et al.Nature communications2020
Landscape composition alters parasitoid wasps but not their host diversity in tropical agricultural landscapesTazkiyatul Syahidah, AKHMAD RIZALI, LILIK B PRASETYO, DAMAYANTI BUCHORIBiodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity2020
Keanekaragaman dan komposisi kumbang elaterid (Coleoptera: Elateridae) di kawasan hutan hujan tropis Taman Nasional Bukit Duabelas dan Hutan Harapan, JambiKasmiatun Kasmiatun, Rizky Nazarreta, Damayanti BuchoriJurnal Entomologi Indonesia2020
Effects of Cattle Integration on Non-Crop Vegetation and Parasitic Hymenoptera Diversity in Oil Palm Plantations in Central Kalimantan, IndonesiaDani Aldinas, Radhian Prabowo, Damayanti Buchori, Bandung SahariInternational Conference and the 10th Congress of the Entomological Society of Indonesia (ICCESI 2019)2020
Genetic Diversity and Population Structure in Elaeidobius kamerunicus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) Inferred from mtDNA COI and Microsatellite MarkersRuomenson DJ Bakara, Ardha Apriyanto, Yayi M Kusumah, Bandung Sahari, Damayanti BuchoriInternational Conference and the 10th Congress of the Entomological Society of Indonesia (ICCESI 2019)2020
New Record of Leptocybe invasa Fisher and La Salle (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) on the White Gum in Timor Tengah Selatan District, East Nusa Tenggara Province, IndonesiaLindung Tri Puspasari, Damayanti Buchori, Rosichon Ubaidillah, Hermanu Triwidodo, Purnama HidayatInternational Conference and the 10th Congress of the Entomological Society of Indonesia (ICCESI 2019)2020
First Report of Fergusonina Gall Fly on Eucalyptus urophylla in Mt. Mutis, Timor IslandLindung Tri Puspasari, Betari Safitri, Damayanti Buchori, Purnama HidayatInternational Conference and the 10th Congress of the Entomological Society of Indonesia (ICCESI 2019)2020
Parasitoids of Gall Inducers on Eucalyptus Clones in Mount Mutis, East Nusa Tenggara ProvinceBetari Safitri, Lindung Tri Puspasari, Damayanti Buchori, Purnama HidayatInternational Conference and the 10th Congress of the Entomological Society of Indonesia (ICCESI 2019)2020
Molecular identification and population genetic study of Elaeidobius kamerunicus Faust. (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) from Indonesia, Malaysia and Cameroon based on mitochondrial geneArdha Apriyanto, Walter Ajambang, Culbertson Enow Etta, Bandung Sahari, Damayanti Buchori, Purnama HidayatBiodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity2020
Rainforest conversion to smallholder plantations of rubber or oil palm leads to species loss and community shifts in canopy ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)Rizky Nazarreta, Tamara R Hartke, Purnama Hidayat, Stefan Scheu, Damayanti Buchori, Jochen DrescherMyrmecological news2020
Insect Communities Associated with Siam Weed: Evaluation after Three Decades of Cecidochares connexa Release as Biocontrol AgentDamayanti Buchori, Akhmad Rizali, Luna Lukvitasari, Hermanu TriwidodoDiversity2020
Pollen load and distribution on the body of Elaeidobius kamerunicus Faust. (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) within oil palm plantationsBandung Sahari, Damayanti Buchori, Purnama HidayatJurnal Entomologi Indonesia2020
Diversity of butterflies (Lepidoptera) across rainforest transformation systems in Jambi, Sumatra, IndonesiaRAWATI PANJAITAN, JOCHEN DRESCHER, DAMAYANTI BUCHORI, DJUNIJANTI PEGGIE, IDHAM SAKTI HARAHAP, STEFAN SCHEU, PURNAMA HIDAYATBiodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity2020
A global assessment of drivers and risks associated with pollinator declineLynn Dicks, Tom Breeze, Hien Ngo, Deepa Senapathi, Jiandong An, Marcelo Aizen, Parthiba Basu, Damayanti Buchori, et al.Nature Ecology and Evolution2020
Trade offs between multifunctionality and profit in tropical smallholder landscapesIngo Grass, Christoph Kubitza, Vijesh V Krishna, Marife D Corre, Jochen Drescher, Katja Rembold, Eka Sulpin Ariyanti, Andrew D Barnes, Damayanti Buchori, Purnama Hidayat, et al.Nature communications2020
Author Correction: A global-scale expert assessment of drivers and risks associated with pollinator declineLynn V Dicks, Tom D Breeze, Hien T Ngo, Deepa Senapathi, Jiandong An, Marcelo A Aizen, Parthiba Basu, Damayanti Buchori, et al.Nature ecology & evolution 5 (10), 14622021
Pengaruh lokasi terhadap serangan lalat puru Cecidochares connexa (Macquart) pada tumbuhan eksotik invasif Chromolaena odorata (L.) King & Robinson dan interaksinya dengan komunitas serangga lokalLuna Lukvitasari, Hermanu Triwidodo, Akhmad Rizali, Damayanti BuchoriJurnal Entomologi Indonesia 18 (2), 127-1272021
Rainforest conversion to monocultures favors generalist ants with large coloniesJan J Kreider, Ting Wen Chen, Tamara R Hartke, Damayanti Buchori, Purnama Hidayat, Rizky Nazarreta, Stefan Scheu, Jochen DrescherEcosphere2021
Diversity of insect galls associated with Eucalyptus alba & E. urophylla in altitudinal zones in Timor Island, IndonesiaPURNAMA HIDAYAT LINDUNG TRI PUSPASARI, DAMAYANTI BUCHORI, ROSICHON UBAIDILLAH, HERMANU TRIWIDODOBiodiversitas 22 (7), 2667-26792021
Composition of tropical agricultural landscape alters the structure of host parasitoid food websTazkiyatul Syahidah, Akhmad Rizali, Lilik Budi Prasetyo, Damayanti BuchoriHeliyon 7 (7), e076252021
Hubungan struktur lanskap dengan keanekaragaman Hymenoptera parasitoid pada pertanaman kacang panjangTazkiyatul Syahidah, Akhmad Rizali, Lilik Budi Prasetyo, Damayanti BuchoriJurnal Entomologi Indonesia 18 (1), 43-432021
New association between Spodoptera frugiperda JE Smith (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) and native natural enemies: Bioprospection of native natural enemies as biological control agentsMI Tawakkal, D Buchori, N MaryanaIOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 771 (1), 0120302021
Changes in diversity and community assembly of jumping spiders (Araneae: Salticidae) after rainforest conversion to rubber and oil palm plantationsAndré Junggebauer, Tamara R Hartke, Daniel Ramos, Ina Schaefer, Damayanti Buchori, Purnama Hidayat, Stefan Scheu, Jochen DrescherPeerJ 9, e110122021
Agroforestry inside oil palm plantation for enhancing biodiversity-based ecosystem functionsS Tarigan, D Buchori, IZ Siregar, A Azhar, A Ullyta, A Tjoa, N EdyIOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 694 (1), 0120582021
Development of Spatial Peatland Fire Danger Index Using Coupled SWAT MODFLOW ModelYuli Suharnoto, Muh Taufik, Budi Indra Setiawan, Damayanti Buchori, Bonie DewantaraSustainability 14,13-76322022
Beekeeping and managed bee diversity in Indonesia Perspective and preference of beekeepersDamayanti Buchori, et al.Diversity 14,1-522022
Keanekaragaman Serangga Hutan Hujan Tropis Dataran Rendah di Provinsi Jambi, Sumatra: Dampak Perubahan Tata Guna LahanRizky Nazarreta, Damayanti Buchori, Purnama Hidayat, Rizky Marcheria Ardiyanti, Fatimah Siddikah, Rosyid Amrulloh, Azru Azhar, Stefan Scheu, Jochen DrescherPenerbit BRIN2022
Assessments of Underground Carbon Stocks in Merang-Kepahyang Peatlands, South Sumatra, IndonesiaYuli Suharnoto, Budi Indra Setiawan, Andik Pribadi, Lili Muslihat, Damayanti BuchoriSustainability 14,9-54732022
Preferensi dan pencarian pakan lebah tanpa sengat pada berbagai tipe penggunaan lahan di Pulau LombokSeptiantina Dyah Riendriasari, Damayanti Buchori, Purnama HidayatJurnal Entomologi Indonesia 19,1-9-222022
Tree Diversity Enhance Species Richness of Beneficial Insect in Experimental Biodiversity Enrichment in Oil Palm PlantationAzru Azhar, Muhammad Iqbal Tawakkal, Adha Sari, Akhmad Rizali, Suria Darma Tarigan, Rizky Nazarreta, Damayanti BuchoriInternational Journal of Oil Palm 5,2-39-492022
Agroecosystem complexity of Surjan and Lembaran as local farming systems effects on biodiversity of pest insectsDINA WAHYU TRISNAWATI, IHSAN NURKOMAR, LISA KAWISPA ANANDA, DAMAYANTI BUCHORIBiodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity 23,7-3613-36182022
Perilaku pemilihan pakan plastik dan respons biologi imago kumbang Tenebrio molitor L.(Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae)Choirul Mahdianto, Damayanti Buchori, Endang Sri RatnaJurnal Entomologi Indonesia 19,3-223-2232022
Response of arboreal Collembola communities to the conversion of lowland rainforest into rubber and oil palm plantationsAmanda Mawan, Tamara R Hartke, Louis Deharveng, Feng Zhang, Damayanti Buchori, Stefan Scheu, Jochen DrescherBMC Ecology and Evolution (Springer) 22,1-412752022
Belajar dari Kompleksitas Pandemi COVID-19Rilus A Kinseng, Yulia Sugandi, Suria Tarigan, Damayanti Buchori, et al.PT Penerbit IPB Press (Buku)2022
Adjacent forest moderates insect pollination of oil palmKevin Li, Ingo Grass, Tien-Yi Fung, Riko Fardiansah, Marko Rohlfs, Damayanti Buchori, Teja TscharntkeAgriculture, Ecosystems & Environment (Elsevier) 338,-1081082022
Rainforest conversion to smallholder cash crops leads to varying declines of beetles (Coleoptera) on SumatraTamara R Hartke, Damayanti Buchori, Purnama Hidayat, et al.Biotropica2022
Risk Assessment on the Release of Wolbachia-Infected Aedes aegypti in Yogyakarta, IndonesiaDamayanti Buchori, Amanda Mawan, Indah Nurhayati, Aryati Aryati, Hari Kusnanto, Upik Kesumawati HadiMDPI 13,10-9422022
Rainforest conversion to rubber and oil palm reduces abundance, biomass and diversity of canopy spidersDaniel Ramos, Tamara R Hartke, Damayanti Buchori, Nadine Dupérré, Purnama Hidayat, et al.PeerJ 10,-e138982022
Nine actions to successfully restore tropical agroecosystemsMichael David Pashkevich, Francisco d’Albertas, Anak Agung Ketut Aryawan, Damayanti Buchori, et al.Trends in Ecology & Evolution (Elsevier) 37,11-963-9752022
Uncovering cryptic diversity in the enigmatic ant genus Overbeckia and insights into the phylogeny of Camponotini (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Formicinae)Petr Klimeš, Jochen Drescher, Damayanti Buchori, Purnama Hidayat, Rizky Nazarreta, et al.Invertebrate Systematics (CSIRO PUBLISHING) 36,6-557-5792022
Rainforest conversion to cash crops reduces abundance, biomass and species richness of parasitoid wasps in Sumatra, IndonesiaAzru Azhar, Tamara R Hartke, Laura Böttges, Tizian Lang, Anik Larasati, Nurul Novianti, Iqbal Tawakkal, Purnama Hidayat, Damayanti Buchori, Stefan Scheu, Jochen DrescherAgricultural and Forest Entomology ,-1-102022
Keanekaragaman dan kelimpahan kumbang daun (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) pada empat tipe penggunaan lahan yang berbeda di Taman Nasional Bukit Duabelas dan Hutan Harapan, Provinsi JambiRosyid Amrulloh, Woro Anggraitoningsih Noerdjito, Bonjok Istiaji, Purnama Hidayat, Damayanti BuchoriJurnal Entomologi Indonesia 19,2-147-1472022
Pengaruh cahaya artifisial malam hari (ALAN) terhadap seranggaMawan, A, Nazaretta, R, Kasmiatun, Istiaji, B, Hidayat, P, Buchori, DJEI 19(3): 255-260)2022
Scientists warning on the ecological effects of radioactive leaks on ecosystems. Frontiers in Ecology and EvolutionBonacic, C Medellin, RA, Ripple, W, Sukumar, R, Ganswindt, A, Padua, SM, Padua, CPearl, MC, Aguirre, LF, Valdés LM, Buchori, D, Innes, JL, Ibarra, JT, Rozzi, R and Aguirre, AAFrontiers in Ecology and Evolution2023
Parasitoids associated to Ophelimus eucalypti (gahan) (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) on Eucalyptus (Myrtaceae) plantations in North Sumatra, IndonesiaAnisa, RP, Hidayat, P, Buchori, D, Pratyadhiraksana, G, Abad, JIM, Tavares, WdeS, Tarigan, MIOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1133 (2023) 0120402023
‘Glocalizing’ land-use and forest governance in the tropics: examining research partnerships and international forest policies affecting Brazil, DRC and IndonesiaUehara, TK, Chazarin, F, Nakagawa,L, Favareto,A Tobias,T, Favareto,A, Minani, R, Nugroho, B, Setiajiati,F, Iriyani,S, Buchori,D, Chiavaroli,DF1000Research 2023, 12:125 L2023
Rainforest conversion to plantations fundamentally alters energy fluxes and functions in canopy arthropod food websPollierer, M , Drescher, J, Potapov, A, Kasmiatun, K , Mawan, A , Mutiari, M, Nazarreta, R, Hidayat, P , Buchori, D , Scheu, SEcology Letters.00:1–132023
Tree islands enhance biodiversity and functioning in oil palm landscapesZemp, DC, Guerrero-Ramirez, N , Brambach, F , Darras, K , Grass, I , Potapov, A, Röll, A, Arimond, I, Ballauff, J , Behling, H, Berkelmann,D, Biagioni, S, Buchori, D, ... D, Kreft, HNature. 618:316–3212023
Genetic variation of pest fall armyworm Spodoptera frugiperda (J.E. Smith) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in different landscapes in BogorFahmi, F, Kusumah, RYM, Buchori, DJEI 20:1-92023
Survival, development, and fecundity of Spodoptera frugiperda (J.E. Smith) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) on various host plant species and their implication for pest managementNurkomar I, Trisnawati DW , Fahmi F. Buchori DInsect. 629 (14): 1-112023
A Systematic Review of Flower-Visiting Insect Community Research on Agricultural Crops in IndonesiaFerdian, B, Istiaji, B, Buchori, DIOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 1220 (2023) 0120172023
Diversity of arboreal ants in several types of land use in the Harapan Forest Landscape, JambiDesriana, R, Buchori, D, Maryana, NIOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 1220 (2023) 0120252023
Impact of Ecological Engineering on Zea mays Plantations to Biodiversity of Insect PollinatorsAmrulloh, R, Buchori, D, Priawandiputra, W, Sartiami, DIOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 1220 (2023) 0120302023
Natural resource-based social conflict and principles of sustainable landscape approach: case study of kelola sendang project, South Sumatera, IndonesiaKinseng, RA, Buchori, D, Alatas, H, Tarigan, SD, Zamani, NP, Digdo, AA, Idris, K, Ardhian, D, Mahmud, AIOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 1220 (2023) 0120352023
Diversity of hymenoptera parasitoid wasp in oil palm with the presence and absence of non crop vegetationAldinas, D, Prabowo, RA, Buchori, D, Sahari, BIOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 1220 (2023) 0120152023
Comparison of Spodoptera frugiperda parasitoid performance under laboratory conditionsSari, A, Nurkomar, I, Buchori, DIOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 1220 (2023) 0120312023
Long-term changes as oil palm plantation age simplify the structure of host-parasitoid food websRizali, A, Karindah, S, Ainy, N., Meiadi, MLT, Tawakkal, MI, Rahardjo, BT, Buchori, DPlos One :18 (10). e02926072023
Scale dependent landscape-biodiversity relationships shape multi taxa diversity in an oil palm monoculture under restoration2. Cayetano, DT., Zemp, DC, Buchori, D, ...., W, Paterno, GB., Polle, A, Potapov, A, Sundawati, L, Tscharntke, T., Westphal, C, Weigelt, P, Wiegand, K, Kreft, H, Guerrero-Ramírez, NRBioRxiv2023
Opportunities and challenges in Asian bee research and conservationWarrit, N., Ascher, J., Basu, P., Belavadi, V., Brockmann, A., Buchori, D., ..., Chatthanabun, N, Chesters, D., Orr, MBiological Conservation: 285: 1-11.1101732023
Forest resilience research using remote sensing and GIS – A systematic literature reviewRosniani, R, Prasetyo, LB, Lughadha, EM, Aidi, MN, Buchori, D, Latifah, DIOP Conf Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1266 (2023) 012086.2023
Keanekaragaman dan komposisi spesies laba-laba predator dan parasitoid Hymenoptera pada tanaman jagung dengan dan tanpa refugia pada musim yang berbedaSulthoni, F.R., Tarno, H., Rizali, A., Priawandiputra, W., Buchori, D., Johannis, MJurnal Entomologi Indonesia. 20(3): 258–268.2023
Tailored policies for perennial woody crops are crucial to advance sustainable development.Marinez-Nunez, C., Velado-Alonso , Buchori, D., , ...Nat Sustain (2024)2024
Trophic Change and Community Decline in Acrobat Ants After Rainforest Conversion to Cash Crops.Ehlers, J., Hartke, T., Janotta N., Mawan, A., Nazaretta, R., Desriana, R., Hidayat, P., Buchori, D., Scheu, S., Pollierer, M., Drescher, J.Ecology and Evolution. 14:e706942024
Host–parasitoid food webs in oil palm plantations in Asia.Rizali A, Buchori D.Current Opinion in Insect Science, 1012722024
Balancing economic and ecological functions in smallholder and industrial oil palm plantations.Wenzel, A., Westphal, C., Ballauff, J., Berkelmann, D., Brambach, F., Buchori, D., … Grass, I.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), 121(17)2024
Indigenous Custodianship and Timber Legality Assurance System: Challenges and Opportunities for Customary Forest Management in Indonesia.Iriyani, S., Arman, M., Nugroho, B., Buchori, D., & Setiajiati, F.Jurnal Sylva Lestari, 12(3), 929–9472024
Increasing the size and coverage of protected areas will not be enough for effective biodiversity conservation,Pacheco, LF, Méndez de la Cruz FR, Buchori, D, Bravo, JS.Biodiversity2024
Rainforest transformation reduces parasitoid wasp diversity—Can the enrichment of flowering vegetation alleviate this?Azhar, A., Grass, I., Rizali, A., Pudjianto., Buchori, D.Ecological Entomology 2024: 1-122024
Joint environmental and social benefits from diversified agriculture.Rasmussen, L. V., Buchori, D., ... Kremen, C.Science. 384(6691): 87-932024
Progress and promise for science in Indonesia.Marzuki, S., Buchori, D., Alberts, B.PNAS, 121(17): 1- 42024
Four new species of Utivarachna Kishida, 1940 (Araneae: Trachelidae) from Sumatra.Dhiya’ulhaq, N.U., Dupérré, N., Buchori, D., Scheu, S., Drescher, J.Zootaxa. 5418(5): 551–5752024
Rainforest transformation reallocates energy from green to brown food webs.Potapov, A.M., Drescher, J., Buchori, D., Hidayat, P., ..., & Scheu, S.Nature2024
Association of a Global Invasive Pest Spodoptera frugiperda (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) with Local Parasitoids: Prospects for a New Approach in Selecting Biological Control Agent.Nurkomar, I., Putra, I.L.I., Buchori, D., Setiawan, F.Insects 15(3): 2052024
Agricultural landscape composition alters ant communities in maize fields more than plant diversity enrichment.Pasaribu, D.N., Rizali, A., Tarno, H., Priawandiputra, W., Johannis, M., Buchori, D.Biodiversitas, 25(1), 205-2132024
Global fine-resolution data on springtail abundance and community structure.Potapov et al.Scientific Data. 2024. 11:222024