Webinar Kesehatan Tanaman Sebagai Faktor Kunci dalam Mendukung Ketahanan Pangan

"KESEHATAN TANAMAN SEBAGAI FAKTOR KUNCI DALAM MENDUKUNG KETAHANAN PANGAN NEGERI". Penyelenggaran pada: 🗓️ Rabu, 23 Oktober 2024 ⏰ 08.00-12.30 WIB 📍 Hybrid Via Zoom Pembicara: 1. Pakar Fitopatologi IPB University 2. Direktorat Perlindungan Tanaman Hortikultura, Kementan RI 3. Deputi Bidang Karantina Tumbuhan, Badan Karantina Indonesia 4. Masyarakat Perbenihan dan Perbibitan Indonesia 5. Praktisi Pertanian/Petani Link […]

The 3rd SEAPPRO 2024

THE 3rd SEAPPRO 2024 Bogor, November 1-2, 3024 TOPIC We are pleased to invite you to submit your paper related to the topics below: ▪︎ Integrated pest, disease, and weed management ▪︎ Emerging diagnostic tools for pests and diseases ▪︎ Post-harvest pests and diseases ▪︎ Landscape Architecture ▪︎ Insect ecology, biodiversity, and taxonomy ▪︎ Biosecurity […]

Guest Lecture Series 33: Biotechology in Plant Protection (PTN130A)

Guest Lecture Series 33: Biotechology in Plant Protection (PTN130A) Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture - IPB University will hold Guest Lecture Series 33 with the theme "The DNA We Edit and The DNA We Build: Inovations in Genome and Synthetic DNA Technologies" 🤵‍♂️ : Riza Arief Putranto, Ph.D., DEA (The Indonesian Oil Palm […]