
Benchmarking Visit from Halu Oleo University

Monday, 31 July 2023. The Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture, received representatives from the Department of Plant Protection, Halu Oleo University with the aim of conducting Benchmarking of the DIECI quality assurance cycle (Determination, Implementation, Evaluation, Control and Improvement) of DIKTI Standards. Representatives from the Department of Plant Protection, Halu Oleo University, led by Prof. Andi Khoeruni and representatives from PTN led by Dr. Dewi Sartiami as Daily Executor of the Head of the Plant Protection Department of IPB University. This meeting was attended by PTN teaching staff including Dr. Pudjianto, Dr. Swastiko Priyambodo, Dr. Efi Toding Tondok, and Dr. Nina Mariana.


#SDGs8 #SDGs10 #SDGs17