
International Webinar: "Exploring the Nexus of Science and Digital Technology: Contemporary Insights into Insect Systematics and Biodiversity"

International Webinar Ento 2024-update CV Purnama

Friday, January 19 2024. Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture - IPB University in collaboration with the Indonesian Entomology Association, University Kebangsaan Malaysia, Entomological Society of Malaysia, and Agrosavia Colombia held an International Webinar with the theme "Exploring the Nexus of Science and Digital Technology: Contemporary Insights into Insect Systematics and Biodiversity". This webinar presents a Keynote Speaker from the National University of Malaysia, namely Assoc. Prof. Dr. Salmah Yaakop who delivered her keynote speech entitled "Position of Insect Systematics, Biodiversity and Conservation in the Citizen Science Era" after the webinar keynote speech was continued with the presentation of material from the first speaker, namely Dr. Purnama Hidayat who presented material entitled "Contemporary Views on Insect Systematics, Biodiversity, and Conservation in the Technological Epoch", after that continued with the second speaker, namely Takumasa Kondo, Ph.D from Agrosavia - Colombia who presented material entitled "Taxonomy and Biodiversity: Examples from Coccidology" this entire webinar event was moderated by Dr. Idham Sakti Harahap. To find out the contents of this webinar, we have prepared a recorded video from our YouTube account below:

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