
CV Clinic: "Preparing your CV for Work and Postgraduate Studies with Mukhlis Jamal"


Monday 29 April 2024. Applying for jobs or preparing for postgraduate studies is often a challenge, the Plant Protection Department collaborates with Cambridge University, and the Indonesian Entomology Association (PEI) to hold a CV Clinic which is expected to help students effectively demonstrate their academic achievements, research experience and skills to potential employers, academic institutions, or research collaborators. A well-crafted CV not only highlights academic qualifications but also showcases interests, relevant courses, and extracurricular activities, thereby increasing competitiveness in the job market or graduate school applications.


This CV Clinic is mentored by Mukhish Jamal Musa Holle, M.Env.Sc., MBA, D.Phil. who is the recipient of a full scholarship for three postgraduate positions at three of the world's top universities, he explained how to create an attractive and targeted CV.

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