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Socialization and Practice of Fire Fighting

Wednesday, August 30 2023. The Department of Plant Protection, Faculty of Agriculture - IPB University together with the Bogor City Fire Department held a socialization and fire management practice which was carried out at Taman Harmonia, Department of Plant Protection, with participants being students, education staff and PTN lecturer staff. This socialization held from 10.00 to 11.30 WIB.
In this socialization, participants were taught to use a light fire extinguisher (APAR) to deal with light fires in the campus environment, and were socialized about calm behavior if there were signs of fire.


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PTN Student Achievements at Satria Data 2023

The holding of Statistics Ria activities and the Data Science Festival (SATRIA DATA) is a form of support from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology for the development of statistics science and data science in general. The Satria Data 2023 event was held at Brawijaya University - Malang on 20-24 August 2023. The purpose of this activity, as quoted from the official website https://satriadata.kemdikbud.go.id/, is as a medium for introducing statistics and data science as well as professions and broader fields of work; Fostering interest and motivation in the fields of statistics and data science and their applications; Increase knowledge and expertise as a statistician and data scientist so that they are ready to enter the world of work; Means for implementing Independent Learning – Independent Campus (MB-KM). This activity is in the form of a competition that measures students' abilities in statistics, data science, and its application. Not only hard skills in Statistics and Data Science will be competed, but also soft skills such as communication, visualization, collaboration, and creativity in solving complex problems. There are 4 (four) types of competitions namely the National Statistics Competition (NSC), Statistics Essay Competition (SEC), Statistics Infographic Competition (SIC) and Big Data Challenge (BDC) the four branches that are contested, there are Plant Protection Department students who win championships secondly with her team in the Statistics Essay Competition (SEC) branch on behalf of Zahrotul Huriyah (A3401201038) who is a batch 57 student, Zahrotul and his team were one of the parts that contributed to the achievements of the IPB University team who were crowned the Satria Data 2023 General Champion.

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PTN Staff Get the Satyalancana Karya Satya Award

Satyalancana Karya Satya is a sign of honor given by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia to State Civil Apparatuses (ASN) who have carried out their duties by showing loyalty, dedication, skill, honesty, discipline, and have worked continuously for a certain period of time. This Satyalancana was established in 1959. This Satyalancana was formed with the aim of rewarding services and as an incentive to increase dedication and work performance so that it can be used as an example for other Civil Servants.

Satyalancana Karya Satya is divided into three classes, namely Satyalancana Karya Satya 10 Years, Satyalancana Karya Satya 20 Years, and Satyalancana Karya Satya 30 Years.

This year, on the commemoration of the Republic of Indonesia's independence day on August 17 2023, a number of Plant Protection Department staff won this award, including Prof. Dr. Ir. Dadang, M.Sc; Prof. Dr. Ir. Suryo Wiyono, M.Sc.Agr; Dr. Ir. Supramana, M.Si; Dr. Ir. Ruly Anwar, M.Si; Dr. Ir. R. Yayi Munara Kusumah, M.Si; Dr. Ir. Indiana Dadan; Dr. Ir. Kikin H. Mutaqin, M.Si; Dr. Ir. Giyanto, M.Si; Dr. Efi T. Tondok, S.P., M.Sc; Bonjok Istiajai, S.P., M.Si; Euis Salsaiah, Dani Hamdani; Jaja Haerudin; Sulistawati, S.P.; Tyas Mangestu Paramita

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PTN Student Achievements: PFI 2023 Quiz Contest Runner Up

Bandar Lampung, 27-29 July 2023. The student delegation of the Department of Plant Protection made an achievement as Runner Up in the Quiz Contest on Phytopathology at the Scientific Seminar and XXVII Congress of the Indonesian Phytopathological Association (PFI). The team consisting of three PTN students are Indiv Sultana Binavsi, Khasanah Puspitaningtyas, and Usy Syamsiyatun who are class of 58 students. This team was mentored by Mrs. Fitrianingrum Kurniawati, S.P., M.Sc.


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